Leben als Christ

Pornografie und Stolz

Nach einer amerikanischen Studie kämpfen etwa 50 % gläubiger Männer und 20 % gläubiger Frauen mit Pornografie.

Heath Lambert geht in seinem Buch „Finally Free: Fighting for Purity with the Power of Grace“ auf die Wurzel der Sünde ein: Stolz.

“At the root of viewing pornography is an arrogant heart that says: ‘I will have whatever I want. And if I want pictures of naked women, I am going to have it. And I don’t care if God doesn’t want it, and I don’t care if my wife doesn’t like it, and I don’t care if I might lose my ministry over it — I am going to look at it.’ „

Das Problem liegt niemals in den Umständen, sondern in der Arroganz und fehlenden Demut:

“The problem with pornography is not that men are married to women that aren’t pretty enough. The problem with pornography is not that men are too lonely. The problem with pornography is that men are arrogant and they need the gospel of Jesus Christ to shatter their pride and cultivate humility in their hearts.”

Diese Demut lernen wir nur im Verstehen und Ergreifen des Evangeliums, in der echten Anbetung und Hingabe an Gott:

“Men who want to overcome the problem of pornography […] have to learn to worship at the feet of Jesus and have to, by grace, learn how to be fascinated and captivated by the beauty and the glory of who Jesus is, and what he has done for sinners.”

Quelle: hier.

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