Kultur, Christsein, Kunst, Kreativität und Schöpfung – ist die Liste widersprüchlich? Vielleicht umstritten, ja, und sicherlich „disskussionsbedüftig“, aber widersprüchlich und unbiblisch sicher nicht.
Unter Freunden ist diese Thematik kürzlich hier und dort einmal angeklungen. Alex Medina hat bei The Gospel Coalition einen hilfreichen und interessanten Artikel veröffentlicht:
God is a creator-God, so as image bearers of God, we create. From the beginning of time we see that not all of God’s creations were what we would consider „religious“ in nature. Genesis 2:9 tells us, „And out of the ground the LORD God made to spring up every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food.“ God created trees not just for utilitarian purposes but also for pleasure and aesthetic enjoyment. God did not feel the need to justify his creation by making it into the shape of a cross. Trees provide food and also beauty.
The first poem we read in Scripture is Genesis 2:23, when the first man, Adam, says to Eve, „This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.“ Adam created this poem prior to the fall, prior to sin entering the world and contaminating everything. Song of Solomon is romantic poetry and sexual in nature, written to express love within a covenant relationship. „Your two breasts are like two fawns, twins of a gazelle“ (Song of Solomon 7:3). This poem honors Christ even without explicitly pointing to redemptive history and the Messiah. Yet in our present framework this poem would not be considered a Christian art or get played on „Christian“ radio stations. If a Christian were to make an entire album in the same vein as the Song of Solomon, we should be able to enjoy and glorify God with our wives for it.
Er zitiert aus Francis Schaeffer´s Art and Bible:
A Christian should use these arts to the glory of God, not just as tracts, mind you, but as things of beauty to the praise of God. An art work can be a doxology in itself. . . . The Christian message begins with the existence of God forever, and then with creation. It does not begin with salvation. We must be thankful for salvation, but the Christian message is more than that. Man has a value because he is made in the image of God.
Abschließend stellt Medina fest:
The scriptures do not determine what art you must make. But they do focus on the content of your life and heart. So we must rule out anything that does not flow from a regenerated heart, anything done for selfish gain or sinful motive, whether speaking ill of someone in order to get a promotion or changing your music solely to gain acceptance and accolades. Ultimately, the Christian’s life is tethered by love (Luke 10:27, Galatians 5:14). Christians plugged into a local body of believers and seeking to make disciples as Christ has commanded have the freedom under the leading of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word to create as they see fit. „So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God“ (1 Corinthians 10:31).
Hier geht es zum vollständigen Artikel.