Timothy Raymond vom Credo Magazine hat 4 theologische Bücher aufgelistet, die ihn am meisten beeinflusst haben. Er führt u.a. The Messiah in the Old Testament von Walter C. Kaiser Jr. an. Seine Bemerkung zum Buch hat mich neu herausgefordert, das Alte Testament mit dem richtigen Fokus zu lesen:
I hate to confess this, but I used to think that there were only about a dozen clear prophecies of the Messiah in the Old Testament and that Old Testament saints were saved by some vague faith in Jehovah. Nobody ever told me this but I just imbibed this impression growing up in church with flannel-graph Sunday school lessons and hearing very little preaching from the first 77.2% of the Bible. By carefully exegeting 65 clear Messianic texts, Kaiser’s book rocked my world and convinced me that the Old Testament is a Messianic book with a clear Messianic center. I’ve never looked at the Old Testament the same way since.
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